Can I register my trademark to use on cannabis and other regulated products?

Can I register my trademark to use on cannabis and other regulated products?

Applications for trademarks used on regulated products (e.g. cannabis, drug paraphernalia, ivory, whalebone) and activities (e.g. gambling and wagering, retail stores featuring controlled substances) are subject to additional review. The USPTO may inquire about your compliance with federal law before issuing a registration. If your goods, services, or trademark violate federal law, we will issue…

What is Interstate Commerce?

What is Interstate Commerce?

Under Federal Law, interstate commerce is any commercial transactions or traffic that cross state boundaries or that involve more than one state. “Interstate commerce” as it relates to the sale of goods includes transporting the goods across state lines and the mark must be displayed on the goods or the packaging associated with the goods….

Let us Respond to your USPTO Office Action

Let us Respond to your USPTO Office Action

An office action is an official letter sent by the USPTO. In it, an examining attorney lists any legal problems with your chosen trademark, as well as with the application itself. You must resolve all legal problems in the office action before we can register your trademark. In an office action, an examining attorney may…

Do I Need a Trademark?

Do I Need a Trademark?

Establishing trademark rights requires that you use the trademark. You can preserve future rights to a trademark by submitting a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In general, trademark are not required by federal or state law and not every business needs a trademark. However, a registered trademarks allows you to…

USPTO Fights Fraudulent Trademark Solicitations

USPTO Fights Fraudulent Trademark Solicitations

USPTO Fights Fraudulent Trademark Solicitations The USPTO has worked hard to fight solicitations from companies fraudulently promising to protect trademarks, and we have taken a number of steps to help raise awareness of these schemes in an attempt to limit the number of victims defrauded. Our agency works closely with federal agencies, including the Department…