The term of a federal trademark is 10 years, with 10-year renewal terms. However, the USPTO requires that between the fifth and sixth year after the date...
You company logo helps to identify your goods and service. This is the most important method of distinguishing your brand from other companies. Please give...
Before we submit your trademark application, we search for trademarks that have already been registered or applied for. The trademark can be similar to your...
Abandoned patent applications are no longer pending and therefore cannot mature into a registered patent. The application would have abandoned if an inventor failed to...
There are various types of patents that inventors should be aware: UTILITY PATENTS There are two types of utility and plant patent applications: provisional and...
The Difference Between Copyright and Patent. Patents refer to an invention, whereas copyrights refer to the expression of an idea, such as an artistic work. They are governed by different rules, so it is...