USPTO Current Fee Schedule

USPTO Current Fee Schedule

[4-January-16 23:19:41]
The USPTO fee schedule is subject to change and there is no refund after paying a fee. Certain fees do not apply to design or...


Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Overseas

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Overseas

[9-December-15 19:37:01]
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Overseas Since the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have...
Who may apply for a patent?

Who may apply for a patent?

[8-December-15 0:38:09]
Who May Apply For A Patent According to the law, the inventor, or a person to whom the inventor has assigned or is under an...
Patent Searches

Patent Searches

[3-December-15 4:24:36]
Patent Searches If you are interested in filing a patent application to protect your invention it is always a good idea to first conduct a patent...

How do you protect your business ideas?

[18-November-15 19:58:42]
What is the best way to protect your business ideas? Insure yourself Hire a competent Attorney Protect your files Protect your bottom line All of...
Protect your Business Ideas

Protect your Business Ideas

[26-October-15 15:40:45]
Source Forbes Magazine As a business grows, pitching becomes increasingly important. As the business seeks investors, new clients, or even new employees, a business owner...
Do I Need Copyright Protection?

Do I Need Copyright Protection?

[5-October-15 18:56:16]
A copyright owner has the exclusive rights to use and distribute an original work. These rights are granted for a limited period of time by...
Trademark Protection

Trademark Protection

[28-September-15 18:41:36]
A trademark identifies the owner of a particular product or service. It can be a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image or a combination...
What is Intellectual Property Law?

What is Intellectual Property Law?

[21-September-15 19:40:36]
Intellectual property refers to the expressions of creativity such as naming of goods and services in interstate commerce, inventive concepts, art and designs. Individual legal...
This Week In Patent History

This Week In Patent History

[31-July-15 15:08:21]
This week in patent history Ross Clay was granted a Design patent (381781) for a swimming pool leaf and debris removal net in 1997. Abstract:...
Is Patent Information Relevant?

Is Patent Information Relevant?

[21-July-15 0:20:52]
What is Patent Information? Patent information is used by professionals, researchers, legal analysts and professionals in the technical field. Patent documents contain legal information and...