
Patent Classification

Organization and Staff

Classification Standards and Development maintains the patent classification systems.

Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC)

The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) effort is a joint partnership between the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) where the Offices have agreed to harmonize their existing classification systems (European Classification (ECLA) and United States Patent Classification (USPC) respectively) and migrate towards a common classification scheme.

I don’t know anything about CPC. Where do I start?

I know a USPC classification and I want to find a relevant CPC. What do I do?

I know a CPC group symbol (e.g., B02C 19/0081) and I want to see the group title, browse the scheme or read its definition. How do I do this?

I want to download CPC scheme and definition source files (e.g., XML, PDF); and CPC to IPC concordance files. How do I do this?

Additional CPC Resources:

The CPC Notice of Changes are the official record of change for the Cooperative Patent Classification system. Read more

United States Patent Classification (USPC) Resources

I don’t know anything about USPC. Where do I start?

I know a USPC classification symbol (e.g., Class 345 or Class/Subclass 345/418) and I want to:

Documents and Reports Related to the USPC Manual of Classification

I want to understand more about how USPC has changed over time

A Classification Order documents changes to the UPSC which have occurred while maintaining the system over time. A Classification Order identifies Reclassification Project team members, USPC classifications abolished, USPC classifications established, new classification definitions and changes to existing classification definitions.

Relationships between classifications and organizations

Lists of withdrawn USPTO Patent Publications

International Classification Resources

Related Patent Links


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